Are You Obsessed With Healthy Eating?
by Kelsey Chadwick, MS RDN
December 15th, 2023
Wanting to have a generally balanced diet and move your body is an important part of intuitive eating. However, “healthy” or “clean” eating can become an obsession and can cause disordered eating patterns that can actually harm the body. This is called orthorexia. It is defined as “an obsession with proper or ‘healthful’ eating.” It is a serious condition with many health consequences which I will describe later on. Many of the health consequences of orthorexia are similar to those of anorexia nervosa because of the restriction involved.
It is also important to note that orthorexia is not an official mental health diagnosis that is classified in the Diagnostic and Statistical Manual of Mental Disorders (DSM-5) or the International Classification of Disease (ICD-10). Despite this, it is still a very serious condition that should be talked about more.
The following are behavioral, psychological and physical signs of orthorexia:
Behavioral Signs
Obsession with where and how food is prepared
Rigid food rules
Obsessive concerns regarding food and possible medical concerns
Reduced consumption of food or specific food groups
Obsessively checking nutrition labels and ingredient lists
Withdrawing from others
Unwillingness to eat food prepared by others
Linking self-esteem to adherence to food rules
Spending several hours per day thinking about what food might be served at an upcoming event
Psychological Signs
Body image concerns
Feelings of anxiety, guilt, or uncleanliness over eating food they regard as unhealthy.
Emotional wellbeing is overly dependent on eating the “right” food
Low mood or depression
Physical Signs
Loss of weight
Lab fluctuations
Reduced concentration
Thinning hair